Women’s power for a good cause | Häffner women at the Muddy Angel Run 2019

The Muddy Angel Run is Europe’s 1st mud run for women of all fitness levels. The running distance for this women’s race is about 5 km long and full of fun and muddy team obstacles. Muddy Angel serves as a platform for donations to support organizations dedicated to breast cancer research and education.

Many participants run not only for themselves, but to morally support a friend or acquaintance, who is fighting or has fought breast cancer and to set an example.


First and foremost, good mood, mud and obstacles are in the foreground. By running, jogging or walking; whether young or old, but preferably not alone: this is what some of our employees thought and started together at the Muddy Angel Run in Stuttgart.


With colourful striped socks, highly motivated and freshly “styled” we went to the warm-up. Here everyone got really heated up, all our bodies and souls. Then the starting shot was fired and fun started. On the track many obstacles had to and could only be mastered as a team. Whether diving in mud or climbing steep obstacles. Team spirit was always the key.


Together, happy and full of mud from top to bottom, all Häffner women reached the finish line; and everyone agreed: next year we will be there again!